Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack 6.402 Free Download

Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Full version crack is a Windows application that connects to your Google account and licensed Google services like Google Maps and Google Earth Pro. It downloads the high-resolution imagery, terrain, and vector data provided through these services and saves it locally on your computer.

Some of the key features include:

  • Download Manager: Specify areas to download using coordinates, addresses, shapes/polygons, and more
  • High Resolution: Save images at the highest resolution and quality available through your Google services
  • Historical Imagery: Filter downloads to retrieve historical aerial/satellite imagery from past dates
  • Terrain Data: Download high-resolution elevation data and 3D terrain models
  • Offline Maps: Create map datasets that can be used completely offline without an internet connection
  • Batch Processing: Queue up multiple large download tasks to run consecutively
  • Output Formats: Save as JPG, PNG, GeoTIFF, PDF, KMZ and other GIS formats

Whether you have a free Google account or a paid subscription, Allmapsoft works with Google’s licensed mapping data to fit your needs.

Getting Started

To begin using Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack Crack, you’ll first need to download and install the program from our site. It is compatible with all modern versions of Windows.

System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 or newer
  • 1 GHz processor
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB+ recommended)
  • 1 GB free disk space
  • Google Earth Pro or paid Google license for high resolution downloads

Once installed, you’ll need to sign into the software using your Google account credentials. This will allow Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Download free to access the mapping data you’re licensed for. If using a free Google account, you’ll still be able to download lower resolution imagery.

Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack

Using the Download Manager

The heart of Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack is the powerful Download Manager interface. From here you can specify exactly what areas you want to download imagery and data for.

There are several ways to define the download area:

  1. Coordinates: Enter latitude/longitude coordinate pairs to specify a rectangular area
  2. Addresses: Type in a street address and adjust the view window size
  3. Shapes: Draw custom polygons, circles, or load GIS shapefiles to outline the area

You can also use the search tool to quickly zoom to cities, counties, states, countries or any other place name.

Once the area is set, you can adjust settings like:

  • Zoom level: Set the resolution from 0 (world view) to 23 (highest street level)
  • Date range: Specify a date or range to download historical imagery
  • Output format: Choose image format (JPG, PNG, GeoTIFF, etc) and tile size
  • Terrain: Download terrain elevation data and 3D terrain tiles

The Download Manager makes it easy to queue up multiple large jobs to run consecutively. You can pause, resume, reorder and monitor the progress of downloads.

Advanced Download Options

In addition to the main settings, Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Free download includes several more advanced options for power users:

  • Altitude adjustment: Set a fixed altitude or altitude range for 3D terrain downloads
  • Geographic info embedding: Bake in coordinates, place names, and geo metadata into each image
  • Image processing: Apply sharpening, color adjustment and other image filters
  • Layer options: Choose which layers/overlays to include like roads, borders, buildings

For most mapping use cases, the default settings will suffice. But these advanced tweaks give you precise control over the downloaded data when needed.

One particularly useful advanced feature is smart downloads. This allows you to download only new tiles that have updated imagery since your last download. It can save significant time and bandwidth for areas you need to regularly refresh.

See also:

Backup Maker Professional Crack 8.303 Free Full Key

Outputting Maps and Images

Once downloads complete, Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack provides several options for outputting and using the imagery you’ve retrieved:

  • Export to image files: Save the full downloaded area as multi-resolution JPG, PNG, GeoTIFF or other image formats
  • Generate PDFs: Create geo-referenced PDF maps and atlases
  • Build KMZ/KML files: Save as Google Earth KMZ/KML files for use in that software
  • Use with GIS software: The GeoTIFF format allows importing into Esri ArcGIS, QGIS, and other mainstream GIS applications
  • Create map database: Bundle downloaded tiles into an offline map database in Allmapsoft’s proprietary format

These export options give you the flexibility to use your downloaded mapping data however you need – whether that’s printing maps, building a GIS dataset, making an offline mobile atlas, or simply archiving high-res imagery.

Allmapsoft also includes additional mapping and analysis utilities to visualize, measure, and inspect your downloaded datasets. This makes it a fairly robust standalone GIS viewer in its own right.

Practical Uses and Examples

So what are some real-world scenarios where you might use Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Download free? Here are some practical examples:

Real Estate Mapping

  • Download high-res aerial imagery to overlay with property boundaries, listings, and other real estate data
  • Create printed maps, PDFs, and spatial files to share with clients
  • Access historical imagery to see how an area has changed over time

GIS Data Collection

  • Populate a new GIS database with updated satellite/aerial imagery for a region
  • Download terrain data as base layers for elevation modeling, line-of-sight analysis, etc.
  • Field data collection crews can load offline map areas onto tablets/laptops

Environmental Monitoring

  • Use current and historical imagery for environmental monitoring and land usage analysis
  • Create maps of deforestation, urbanization, coastal changes and other landscape shifts
  • Share data with stakeholders through interactive web maps and applications

Asset and Facility Management

  • Extract aerial imagery, terrain, and road data for assets like cell towers, pipelines, power lines
  • Overlay this geographic data with facility management databases and models
  • Plan new construction, maintenance schedules, and monitor remote sites

Cartography and Map Publishing

  • Source high-quality map data as a base for designing custom cartographic products
  • Publish professional maps, atlases, and wall maps with Allmapsoft data
  • Create interactive mapping solutions with offline capabilities

These are just a few examples – the possibilities are endless for putting downloaded Google imagery to use across many industries and disciplines.

Pricing and Support

Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack offers a few different pricing tiers:

  • Free Edition: Download low resolution imagery (max zoom 16), no historical data, limited features
  • Basic Edition: $49, access medium resolution imagery (max zoom 20) and some advanced options
  • Professional Edition: $99, access highest resolution downloads, historical data, full feature set
  • Professional+ Subscription: $99/year, same as Pro plus unlimited downloads and priority support

For casual mapping needs, the free version may suffice. But most professional applications will require one of the paid editions to access the full high-resolution data.

The developers at Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack provide in-depth documentation, user guides, FAQs and email support to help users get up and running. They are regularly updating the software with new features and Google data integrations.

Compared to other similar downloaders, Allmapsoft is one of the more comprehensive and user-friendly options available. Its intuitive interface, advanced filtering capabilities, and direct Google integration make it a top choice for those needing robust Google mapping data on the desktop.

Tips and Troubleshooting

To wrap up, here are some final tips for getting the most out of Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Full version crack:

Best Practices for Large Downloads

  • Use a fast, reliable internet connection
  • Download to local storage like an SSD or dedicated data drive
  • Run overnight or when you don’t need the computer for other tasks
  • Pre-allocate enough free disk space for the full expected download size
  • Take breaks between very large downloads to avoid timeouts

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  • Ensure you can access Google’s licensed services through your account
  • Use the “Check Data Coverage” tool to verify imagery is available for your area
  • Clear the cache and temporary data if you run into corruption issues
  • Use the pre-fetch option to download faster for large jobs
  • Try restarting the software, router, or computer if downloads get stuck

Performance Optimization

  • Close other applications to dedicate bandwidth to the downloader
  • Use the bandwidth throttling option to manage download speeds
  • Run a single download at a time for maximum performance
  • Upgrade to a paid edition for faster download speeds and resume capability

With some basic optimization, Allmapsoft is capable of handling even massive multi-gigabyte downloads without issue on most systems. The more you use it, the more you’ll get a feel for its performance quirks.

See also:

EF AutoSync Activation key 24.03 Free Download

Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack Extras

Finally, Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader includes some other useful utilities beyond just downloading imagery:

  • Google Earth Viewer: Built-in viewer to inspect downloaded map data and 3D terrain
  • GIS Data Converter: Convert to/from formats like Esri geodatabase, GeoPackage, etc.
  • Address Geocoder: Geocode spreadsheets of addresses down to building level using Google data
  • GPX Utilities: Load GPS data and convert to various GIS formats
  • Command Line Tools: Control the downloader via command prompts and automate workflows

While the main downloader application is the star of the show, these complimentary tools can further enhance your mapping and GIS capabilities.

Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack has also worked to integrate its downloader with other popular desktop mapping/GIS programs like:

  • Google Earth Pro
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • QGIS
  • Global Mapper
  • AutoCAD Map 3D

This allows downloading data directly into your preferred GIS environment for even tighter workflows.

Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack


When you need to download and save high-resolution aerial imagery, terrain data, and map datasets from Google’s mapping services, Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Free download is a fantastic option. Its intuitive interface, powerful filtering, and direct Google integration make it a top choice for GIS professionals and mapping enthusiasts alike.

While the free edition is quite limited, the paid versions open up a world of detailed mapping data for use in real estate, environmental projects, asset management, cartography, and far beyond. With regular updates and improvements, Allmapsoft Google Earth Images Downloader Crack continues to be one of the most robust Google Maps downloaders available.

Just be sure to match your usage with an appropriate Google license, optimize performance for large downloads, and take advantage of Allmapsoft’s many advanced downloading tools and options. With those best practices in mind, this software can be the ultimate solution for all your offline mapping needs.


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  5. Kendra Sandoval

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  6. Joseph Ramos

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  7. Rodney Clark

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  8. Gabriela Burton

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  9. Mallory Miller

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  12. Austin Miller

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  15. Nathan Flynn

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  16. Nancy Ballard

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  17. Oscar Foster

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  18. Alexander Jackson

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  19. Gregory Smith

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  20. Yvonne Johns

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  21. Susan Daniel

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  22. Timothy Holmes

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  23. Garrett Melendez

    It’s now far more intuitive to complete jobs and manage information.

  24. Jeffrey Garcia

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  25. Charles Graham

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  26. Samantha Rios

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  27. Martin Andrews

    The new updates in update the latest are extremely awesome.

  28. Edward Aguilar

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  29. Benjamin Jones

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  30. Jacqueline Garcia

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  31. Eric Foster

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  32. Bryan Dillon

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  33. Samantha Davis

    The recent functionalities in version the newest are extremely cool.

  34. Richard Lynch

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  35. Frank Holmes

    I appreciate the enhanced UI design.

  36. Angel Henry

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  37. Shelley Roach

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  38. Nathan Lewis

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  39. Kimberly Reyes

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  40. Cheryl Perry

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  41. Brett Robinson

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  42. Amy Gibson

    The loading times is so much enhanced compared to the previous update.

  43. Ariana Wright

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  44. James Juarez

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  45. Roy Rojas

    I would absolutely endorse this application to anyone wanting a robust product.

  46. Destiny Taylor

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  47. Mary Morgan

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  48. Caleb Williams

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  49. Lindsey Robbins

    It’s now far more user-friendly to complete work and organize content.

  50. Amy Smith

    The recent enhancements in version the latest are extremely awesome.

  51. Eric Williams

    I love the upgraded UI design.

  52. Dana Meyer

    The loading times is a lot better compared to the previous update.

  53. Ashley Sparks

    It’s now a lot simpler to complete jobs and track data.

  54. Rachel White

    The platform is definitely amazing.

  55. Rachel Murphy

    The performance is significantly better compared to older versions.

  56. Matthew Jones

    The program is really awesome.

  57. Peter Potter

    The speed is so much better compared to last year’s release.

  58. Taylor Johnson

    It’s now a lot simpler to get done jobs and manage content.

  59. Jesus Cruz

    I would highly suggest this software to anybody looking for a top-tier solution.

  60. James Burgess

    This software is definitely great.

  61. Darren Leon

    I would absolutely suggest this application to anyone needing a high-quality solution.

  62. Jeremy Rose

    The latest functionalities in version the newest are so great.

  63. Stephanie Farmer

    The program is absolutely fantastic.

  64. Krystal Hendricks

    The speed is a lot improved compared to the previous update.

  65. Alexander Wright

    I appreciate the enhanced dashboard.

  66. Emily Holland

    It’s now much simpler to get done jobs and track content.

  67. Michael Ross

    The latest functionalities in release the latest are extremely useful.

  68. Kimberly Nixon

    I would strongly recommend this application to anyone wanting a powerful solution.

  69. Andrew Melton

    The recent capabilities in release the latest are extremely awesome.

  70. Charles Smith

    I would absolutely endorse this program to anyone needing a robust solution.

  71. Ashley Daniels

    The performance is so much enhanced compared to the previous update.

  72. Stuart Williams

    I would highly recommend this tool to professionals wanting a robust platform.

  73. Matthew Williams

    The responsiveness is so much faster compared to older versions.

  74. Christopher Freeman

    It’s now much easier to do jobs and track data.

  75. Richard Crawford

    The speed is significantly enhanced compared to older versions.

  76. Evelyn Duncan

    I really like the upgraded dashboard.

  77. Lori Cook

    I absolutely enjoy the enhanced UI design.

  78. Angela Bradley

    I really like the improved workflow.

  79. Amanda Taylor

    The program is absolutely impressive.

  80. Savannah Briggs

    This tool is truly impressive.

  81. Zachary Diaz

    The software is definitely awesome.

  82. Erin Hunter

    It’s now a lot simpler to finish projects and track content.

  83. Daniel Hamilton

    The performance is a lot improved compared to older versions.

  84. Michael Hansen

    The new capabilities in release the newest are so awesome.

  85. Andre Guerrero

    I really like the improved workflow.

  86. Scott Kidd

    I appreciate the new workflow.

  87. Carlos Hamilton

    The new updates in update the latest are extremely useful.

  88. Wayne Lowe

    It’s now a lot more user-friendly to complete jobs and organize content.

  89. Stephen Bauer

    I really like the upgraded UI design.

  90. Lisa Gonzalez

    The responsiveness is significantly improved compared to the original.

  91. Michael Beck

    It’s now far simpler to finish projects and organize data.

  92. Michelle Larsen

    I really like the new layout.

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